July 2, 2019 – Introducing NYC’s Supported Education Network

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It is so exciting to announce that the NYC Supported Education Network has formed. Blueprint hosted the network’s first meeting at 17 Battery July 2nd. There was great interest and attendance by; Blueprint, Fountain House, Community Links, Department of Education, DOHMH, and The Mayors Office. Members got right down to business, establishing a shared vision for the network and launching in to a brainstorm of potential projects. There were thoughtful discussions about finding a shared language that we all are comfortable using, defining membership to the network, and how to ensure we center the minds and voices of the people we serve. The latest meeting on August 16th was hosted by Fountain House, and what a productive one it was. Everyone agreed on an important first venture. Network members had previously expressed challenges at one time or another accessing school campuses. In response, we decided to collectively advocate through the Offices of Accessibility, to formally request permission to be on CUNY colleges. This will enable programs to continue providing essential, on-campus education support to our students. I can’t wait to see what else the network will do.