September 29, 2017 - Blueprint at the NYREN Hostos Student Resource Fair

NYREN Hostos Resource Fair



Blueprint was honored to participate in the Breaking Barriers to College resource fair at Hostos Community College in the Bronx. The event was held by Hostos in partnership with the New York Reentry Education Network. In addition to presenting our services to nearly 300 students in attendance, we collaborated with the school's wellness center on a packed workshop focused on student mental health. 

Blueprint was one of 42 organizations to present resources at the fair which aimed to network and connect a wealth of supports and opportunities for students who face the greatest obstacles to college success, especially those who have a history in the punishment system. 

Our workshop, developed alongside the Hostos student wellness center, included presentations on services available through Blueprint, the school wellness center, and inspiring words from a Hostos graduate who described her first person perspectives on the challenges of student life. Afterwards, Blueprint Supported Education Specialist Louise Harkins facilitated a discussion of mental health stigma via our disclosure planning worksheet.