July 2017 - Blueprint at NAMI Convention in DC




This Summer Blueprint staff got to attend the annual National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) Convention in Washington DC. This served as a chance for staff to get acquainted with some of the programs and initiatives NAMI provides families and their loved ones. Each year the NAMI National Convention educates, encourages and empowers a diverse community that is passionate about building better lives for people affected by mental illness. It is another opportunity to join with passionate grassroots leaders from around the country, learn from leading mental health experts and engage with NAMI staff and exhibitors.

Some of the highlights of the three day event were attending workshops on topics such as "Caring for the Caregiver", "Fighting Stigma in Schools" and "Innovations in Reducing Incarceration."

Next year's convention will take place in New Orleans and serves as a great opportunity for learning about the issues effecting individuals with mental health conditions, empowering them and their families, and building new relationships and connections.

Tara and Jonathan in DC

Assessing Stigma Poster Session


NAMI Conference Panel